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Issues getting setup

Problems trying to install Dewdropz?

Written by Jarrod
Updated over 8 months ago

The first point of call is to reach out to us. We don;t want you to feel we are throwing you a help page to deal with it yourself, so please do reaach out to us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.

We have made the process to install Dewdropz as easy as possible for you, however, every now and again a potential new user will say they are having issues trying to install the app or they just can't install Dewdropz. In many circumstances, especially in large organizations, this is usually due to a setting for how Teams has been setup. We put together this to help you (or the Teams admin) get over these hurdles. Please note: the Teams admin is not the same as the team owner. The team admin is usually someone in IT that has the required permissions to change how Microsoft Teams works.

Can you see the app in Microsoft Teams App store?

When you search the Teams app store but no results are returned. This is most likely due to the app(and it may be all third-party apps) being blocked for you or your whole organization. In this case, you will need to reach out to your Teams admin to enable the app. Details of how it can be unblocked are listed below.

You can see the app, but it does not say "Add to team", instead it says "Request".

In this scenario, the app is visible to you but you don't have the required permissions to add an app. You may have been granted no permissions to add an app or permission to only add specific apps allowed by your organization. You can click on the request button but at the time of writing this, Microsoft does not provide admins with notifications that the request was made so it would be best to get in touch with your IT Teams admin to allow the app to be installed or install on your behalf. The steps for this are outlined below.

You get an error message saying the app is blocked or that you don't have the required permissions.

This could be for various reasons and again, it's best to ask your Teams admin to address this.

You are not the owner of the team

We have seen issues sometimes when someone tries to add an app but isn't the owner of the team they are adding the app to. In this case, it's best to ask someone who is listed as an owner in that team to add the app or to make you an owner as well. If this doesn't work, then as per our getting started guide, create a team of your own to install the app.

Unblocking an app

There are usually 3 ways in which an app is blocked in Microsoft Teams. Please check all 3 options.

Coming to permission policies, please check if a policy applied to a user contains Block All app selection.

Problems after adding the app to Microsoft Teams

Due to some changes by Microsoft to how apps get added, after adding the app to a team like in our video, you may see either a screen to install the app again pop up. This is to install the app to what is called a "personal scope". This has already been done so you can close this message when it pops up and continue with the app installation i.e. Creating an account with us. You may still see the message later saying you can get more out of the app if you add it for "personal use". Again, you can ignore this.

Why does this message pop up? Microsoft apps can act in a "team" context and in a "personal" context...or both. Our app gets added to both but Microsoft still tries to encourage you to explicitly add it in a personal scope. As Microsoft improves its ability to determine these settings as well as provide app makers with the ability to set these values more explicitly, these types of messages showing up when not needed will disappear but until that happens, this is where we are.

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